In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure that has brought hope to millions of couples struggling with infertility. Israel is one of the world's leading countries in IVF technology and is considered a hub for fertility treatments.

In the past, couples dealing with fertility problems faced limited options, but today the picture is much different - in vitro fertilization treatments that came into use in the 1970s have changed the situation for the better and give hope to millions around the world.

The IVF treatment process at Assuta Medical Center follows the standard procedures of IVF treatment. The first step is a thorough medical evaluation of both partners to determine the cause of infertility. The woman is then given hormonal injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The eggs are retrieved using ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration under anesthesia. The eggs are then fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryos are allowed to grow for several days before being transferred into the woman's uterus.

The IVF units in Assuta are the oldest and largest private units in Israel dealing with this important issue, as evidenced by the thousands of children born since the units began operating and their happy parents. This has given us a great reputation, based on many years of successful and fruitful activity.

Assuta Medical Center is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including a dedicated IVF laboratory that is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. The center also has a team of experienced embryologists, who work closely with the fertility specialists to ensure the highest standards of care.

IVF Success Rates in Israel 

The success rates of IVF treatment in Israel are among the highest in the world. According to the Israeli Society of Reproductive Medicine, the average success rate for IVF treatment in Israel is 65%, which is significantly higher than the global average of 40%. The success rate is influenced by several factors, such as age, cause of infertility, and the number of embryos transferred.

Legal Framework for IVF Treatment in Israel

The legal framework for IVF treatment in Israel is unique compared to other countries. In Israel, IVF treatment is covered by the National Health Insurance Law, which provides funding for up to two IVF cycles for women under the age of 45. The law also stipulates that IVF treatment must be carried out in accordance with Jewish law, which forbids sperm donation from non-Jewish men.

In addition, Israel has strict laws regarding embryo donation and surrogacy. Embryo donation is allowed only if the embryo has been created by the couple's sperm and eggs, and both partners are required to give written consent. Surrogacy is only permitted if the woman is unable to carry a pregnancy due to medical reasons.

IVF Unit at Assuta Medical Center

The unit began operating as early as 1986 and offers the most advanced technological equipment with senior and experienced physicians. The unit performs about 11,000 treatment cycles a year, which is about one - third of all IVF treatments in Israel. The director of the department is Dr. Tal Shavit.

We carry out the treatments  in the most sophisticated operating rooms in the world, well-equipped recovery rooms, special rooms designed for performing embryo retrieval and a state-of-the-art IVF laboratory that allows the use of the most advanced fertilization techniques in the world.

Assuta Medical Center has a high success rate for IVF treatment, which is attributed to the center's experienced medical staff, advanced facilities, and personalized treatment plans. The success rate for IVF treatment at Assuta Medical Center is above the national average, with a success rate of over 70% for women under the age of 35.

Patient Experiences at Assuta Medical Center

Many patients have had positive experiences with IVF treatment at Assuta Medical Center. Patients praise the center's compassionate and experienced medical staff, who provide personalized care and support throughout the treatment process. Patients also appreciate the center's state-of-the-art facilities, which help to create a comfortable and reassuring environment.

One patient said, "Assuta Medical Center was a lifeline for us. We had been struggling with infertility for years, and the care and support we received at Assuta made all the difference. The staff were compassionate and knowledgeable, and the facilities were top-notch. We are now proud parents, and we will always be grateful to Assuta for helping to make our dreams come true."

The IVF (in vitro fertilization) department of the Assuta private clinic is one of the most famous in the world due to the leading success rates of procedures and the high level of advanced technologies of the clinic. Artificial insemination in Israel is carried out in different ways, depending on the cause of infertility, and each patient goes through this process with the support of leading IVF specialists in Israel. Reviews of numerous couples who have undergone IVF in our country and managed to conceive and carry a long-awaited child speak for themselves.

Read more about IVF in Israel and Assuta, written by the NY Times 

In vitro policy helps Israeli families-grow

IVF Treatment Costs (comparison)

Israel is a popular destination for IVF treatment due to its high success rates and unique legal framework. The cost of IVF treatment in Israel ranges from $6,000 to $8,000, depending on the clinic and the number of cycles required. In Israel, IVF treatment is covered by the National Health Insurance Law, which provides funding for up to two IVF cycles for women under the age of 45.

IVF Treatment Cost in Europe

In general, the cost of IVF treatment in Europe is lower than in the United States but higher than in Israel. The cost of IVF treatment in Europe ranges from $8,000 to $10,000, depending on the clinic and the number of cycles required. In some European countries, such as the United Kingdom, IVF treatment is provided free of charge by the National Health Service.

IVF Treatment Cost in the United States

The cost of IVF treatment in the United States is significantly higher than in Israel and Europe. The cost of IVF treatment in the United States ranges from $12,000 to $15,000, depending on the clinic and the number of cycles required. In addition, there are additional costs such as medications, which can cost up to $5,000. Unlike in Israel and Europe, IVF treatment is not covered by most insurance plans in the United States, making it a costly out-of-pocket expense for many couples.

Assuta News on IVF treatment

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